xvc check-ignore


Check whether a path is ignored or whitelisted by Xvc.


$ xvc check-ignore --help
Check whether files are ignored with `.xvcignore`

Usage: xvc check-ignore [OPTIONS] [TARGETS]...

          Targets to check. If no targets are provided, they are read from stdin

  -d, --details
          Show the exclude patterns along with each target path. A series of lines are printed in this format: <path/to/.xvcignore>:<line_num>:<pattern> <target_path>

      --ignore-filename <IGNORE_FILENAME>
          Filename that contains ignore rules
          This can be set to .gitignore to test whether Git and Xvc work the same way.
          [default: .xvcignore]

  -n, --non-matching
          Include the target paths which don’t match any pattern in the --details list. All fields in each line, except for <target_path>, will be empty. Has no effect without --details

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')


By default it checks the files supplied from stdin.

$ xvc check-ignore

If you supply paths from the CLI, they are checked instead.

$ xvc check-ignore my-dir/my-file another-dir/another-file

If you're looking which .xvcignore file ignores (or whitelists) a certain path, you can use --details.

$ xvc check-ignore --details my-dir/my-file another-dir/another-file

.xvcignore file format is identical to .gitignore file format. This utility can be used to check any other ignore rules in other files as well. You can specify an alternative ignore filename with --ignore-filename option. The below command is identical to git check-ignore and should give the same results.

$ xvc check-ignore --ignore-filename .gitignore